HELLO! MY NAME IS MICAH AND I LOVE TALKING TO PEOPLE ABOUT POPULAR MUSIC. I HAVE LEARNED THAT THE SONGS WE HEAR IMPACT HOW WE THINK, FEEL, AND BEHAVE SOMETIMES IN GOOD WAYS LIKE WHEN SONGS HELP US PROCESS OUR FEELINGS OR LEARN ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE AND SOMETIMES IN BAD WAYS WHEN SONGS MAKE US MORE JEALOUS OR DISTORT HOW WE SEE OTHER PEOPLE DISCERNMENT HELPS US FIND SONGS THAT SHAPE US IN POSITIVE WAYS AND AVOID SONGS THAT MAY HARM US I FOLLOW THESE FOUR SIMPLE DISCERNMENT RULES TO FIND THE BEST MUSIC 1. AVOID THE SONG IF I DO NOT LIKE THE MUSIC OR THE LYRICS DO NOT MATCH MY VALUES 2. FIND A RELATED SONG IF THE LYRICS DO NOT MATCH MY VALUES BUT I LIKE THE MUSIC 3. CRITIQUE THE SONG IF I THINK IT CAN TEACH ME SOMETHING ABOUT MYSELF OR OTHERS 4. CONSUME THE SONG IF THE LYRICS MATCH MY VALUES AND I LIKE THE MUSIC I HOPE THESE RULES CAN HELP YOU FIND SONGS THAT SHAPE YOU INTO WHO YOU WANT TO BE TRY DISCERNMENT FOR YOURSELF! PICK ANY SONG AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of Song (Title, Artist)What is the mood of the song?What part(s) of the song sticks in your memory? Why?Why did the artist write the song?How do others experience the song?How does the song match your values?What listening response will you have to the song in the future?Avoid the SongFind a Related SongCritique the SongConsume the SongWhy did you choose this listening response?Name (Optional)Email (Optional)If you provide an email address, we will email a copy of your responses to you.MessageSubmit